Rapunzel themed dinner

Saturday 11 February sees the return of Bacchus and Ariadne’s themed dinners! The first event of the year is dedicated to Rapunzel.

Rapunzel is a wild vegetable of which everything is used: flowers, leaves and even the root. For this reason, it is also called a “poor man’s vegetable“. The root resembles a carrot but is smaller and white in colour. It has a sweet and pleasant taste that resembles hazelnuts. Leaves and flowers, on the other hand, have a slightly bitter taste and a slight woody scent. Rapunzel grows wild on hillsides, by the side of country roads and can be recognised by its long slender stems, which can reach up to a metre in height, its purple flowers and its white fleshy root, a kind of ‘small turnip’.

Our menu (€ 45,00)

Carrot ricotta flan with rampussoli and walnuts.

Grilled salami with rampussolo sauce, extravecchio bread pie and rampussolo.

Rampussolo salad with evo oil.

Risotto with rapini, Jerusalem artichoke sauce and crispy crudo.

Braised beef at low temperature, mashed rampussoli and field vegetables.

Chocolate and pear cake with delicate rampussoli cream.